Do you have an animal or a pet? Keep reading!
Welcome to my web page. My name is Maja Brexel Dr.h.c.
I created an extraordinary & unique way to have verbal conversations with animals. Independent of the species. You can imagine the advantages!
In order to realise this amazing reality I implement a specific kind of Quantum Hypnosis.
Meaning, during the process the owner, rider, trainer, carer, handler, whoever chooses to take part is in a profound state of Hypnosis and the animal is using the vocal cords of that person, thus the animal is able to talk with me.
Therefore I will have a verbal conversation with your Animal.
Whereby the animals are never present at the sessions, allowing me to work internationally.
When your animals can talk!
The is independent of the species.
Small privately cared for animals such as cats, dogs, chickens and hamsters, reptiles…or larger animals such as pigs, cows, donkeys, horses, etc.
Additionally Animal-Conversations is bookeed by zoos, animal training fascilities, farms, animal shelters, oceanographicos, wild life & game enclosures, etc.
During the conversations you get the opportunity to ask the animal any question, allowing improvements in their life’s. Unwanted behaviours and trauma responses seen in animals are addressed and the animal gets the possibility to give up and let go of the negative emotions, which act as the trigger for the behaviour expressed e.g. in excessive vocalisations, aggressive behaviour, kicking, biting, scratching, weaving, trailer/transport problems, issues with food and so many more.
By changing/taking away the trigger emotions you allow the animal to free itself from suffering these negative sentiments and through that it gives the animal the opportunity to finally change. The change you want to see.
Competitive animals are a high investment, now being able to ask the animal itself what it wants and needs, strengthen their resources and exalate the likelihood to bost the performance of the animal.
The verbal conversations I have with the animals alone can last up to 1 or 1,5h, depending on the problems and questions presented by you. During this time you perceive the emotions, sensations, feelings and the changes that are taking place. Additionally we will let the animal make a body check, where it allows you to take part. Experiencing your animal in this way is described by my clients as most special.
My method is demonstrated and proven by private / corporate owners as well as rescue organisations all over the world.
You want to have a conversation with your animal? Get in contact NOW!